Summary by: Luminita Ciolacu and Sofia Reis
From: ISEKI-Food Association
WASTELESS – Waste Quantification Solutions to Limit Environmental Stress, is an EU funded project with the aim to develop tools and recommendations for measuring and monitoring food loss and waste.

Knowledge sharing among similar projects and initiatives is of main importance to maximise impact. This can be achieved through online knowledge sharing platforms (KSP) developed as a dynamic environment where all interested actors can find the information they need.
To find what food actors expect from a KSP and if they know and use already such KSPs WASTELESS is running a survey. The survey is addressed to anyone who works in the food chain including but not limited to beneficiaries, consumers, policymakers, government, and non-profit/NGO representatives. The survey will run until March 2024, has 8 questions and takes no more than 10 min to complete.
Please consider sharing this survey with anyone who might have an interest in this topic. All personal information will remain confidential and will not be shared or used beyond the purpose of this survey. For any questions contact Luminita Ciolacu ( or Sofia Reis (
Take the survey now!