WP 1, 5, 6, 7, 8

The University of Lisbon ( is one of the biggest universities in Portugal with a total of approx. 4000 permanent staff in teaching and research. Ulisboa is organized in 18 Faculties and Institutes, including Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA). ISA ( is the largest and most qualified school in the Agricultural Sciences and related areas in Portugal. The Linking Landscape, Environment, Agriculture and Food (LEAF – Research Unit, involved in this project, is organized in 3 and researcher involved in the Wasteless project belongs to the Resource Management & Landscape Architecture Group (G1) and to the The Food & Feed group (G3). The first group deals with ha wide range of topics related with natural ecosystems from Landscape Architecture, Soil Sciences, Agronomy, Agricultural Waste Management, Environmental Chemistry and Processes to Water management and Irrigation. This diversity of competences and skills is a key factor to successfully reach the main objective of this group: to improve food production through sustainable agricultural systems and to promote eco-responsible landscape management. The G3 group is able to study Food & Feed as biological materials, transformed by technology to be safer, healthier and appealing to the consumer, by using efficient processing in energy and costs, ideally with no residues left to impact the environment. The strategy of using by-products as new functional (with impact on health) foods or ingredients has a long tradition (over 30 years) in the group.


ISA is mainly involved in WP5-Stragegic actions for FLW reduction:Task 5.2: Valorisation of processing residues and Task 5.3: New packaging/food products from unavoidable FLW. ISA is also involved in Task 6.1: Environmental sustainability and social impact analysis from the WP6.
