VIMOSZ – Hungarian Hospitality Employers’ Association

WP 1, 3, 4, 7, 8

VIMOSZ is the Hungarian food service and hospitality association and the „voice” of employers in the hospitality sector. VIMOSZ has access to a wide network of businesses, school and healthcare catering companies in Hungary, and also as a member of Food Service Europe. The association is a member of Food Service Europe’s EU Code of Conduct Taskforce. Being part of the sector’s European social dialogue intends to convince employers and employees about the necessity to shift to healthy and sustainable choices in food services.

Role in the WASTELESS project

  • Connection with related EU initiatives, including projects, programs and bodies
    • The objective of this task is to maximise impact through continuous and varied interactions with related initiatives.
  • Creating a Communication and Dissemination strategy containing press releases, anouncments, reports, news etc.
  • Creating the website and social media platforms for the project
  • Training for food actors and community engagement monitoring
  • Creating and executing an explotation strategy
