Dear CoP Members,
The WASTELESS project invites you to join in an online survey. This survey wants to incorporate experts’ insights and inform the development of an effective food loss and waste measurement & monitoring framework. If you are working with food loss and waste issues in any domains, your feedback will be invaluable to us! Please find the survey details below:
- Purpose. To seek expert insights to pinpoint the crucial elements of the food loss and waste measurement & monitoring framework.
- Target audience. Anyone who works in relation to food loss and waste measurement, including but not limited to professionals from researchers, policy makers & government, non-profit/NGO representatives, food loss and waste auditors, waste management & recycling, technology professionals, food & agriculture practitioners, etc.
- What we’d appreciate. Please take a few moments to complete the survey by clicking the link following. The survey is in English and should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. It is also much appreciated to share this survey with anyone who might be interested in this topic.
- Survey Link. https://forms.gle/qisyAusYDKuivMJw6
- Deadline. November 30th, 2023.
All responses will be kept confidential, and the data will be utilized solely for the purpose of this project. Should you have any questions or require further information, please feel free to reach out to WP 1 partners (Zhuang Qian: zqi@igt.sdu.dk, and Wu Chen: wuc@igt.sdu.dk).