Surplus Stock Measurement And Management Tool

Surplus Stock Measurement and Management Tool will enable food chain retailers to identify the food waste at source and plan their procurement and operational processes to eliminate food waste by measuring it. Company-based information will be kept in a product-based cumulative structure and analysed based on region, city, and Storage Keeping Unit (SKU) group. The first part of the tool aims to provide more reliable and validated food waste data at the retailer level. The main purpose of this development represents SKU-based exploratory data analysis by establishing a relational database structure within SKU, regional-based, season-based, etc.  

The second part of the tool, the Management System, will be coded in line with the Food Recovery Hierarchy. The Food Recovery Hierarchy principle will be coded into the system as a part of the decision-making process. As a result, the system will create lists of products informing the beneficiary if they are suitable for human consumption (e.g. resell, donation), animal feed, biogas production, or recycling.