By: Berta Redondo
From: Europatat (European Potato Trade Association)

The European Commission (DG SANTE and the Joint Research Centre – JRC) is organising the public event “Let’s Reduce Consumer Food Waste! Solutions from the European Consumer Food Waste Forum” on 5 June 2024 in Brussels (live streaming will also be available).
The event is dedicated to all actors engaged in consumer food waste prevention from both public and private sectors; from local / regional / national authorities, businesses and other organisations (e.g. consumer and environmental NGOs, food banks and other charities etc.), universities / schools etc. Participants will share the latest initiatives, including those addressing consumer behaviour change, and will discuss how the solutions of the European Consumer Food Waste Forum can support their work.
The conference will have an interactive format to facilitate knowledge sharing and networking between participants and experts, and will include:
- A panel discussion with public authorities and practitioners with experience in preventing consumer food waste;
- Parallel sessions on specific topics where leading experts in the field will share their experience and discuss with participants;
- Parallel sessions where participants can present their consumer food waste prevention actions and receive feedback from experts in this field; and
- A showcase of effective actions.
You can also take an active role in the event by presenting your actions to reduce consumer food waste. For this, you can apply here before 20 May.
If you want to attend the event in Brussels, you can register here. The event will be webstreamed, except for the showcase of actions (13.00-13.30) and the feedback sessions (15.30-17.00). To receive the webstreaming links, you also need to register.