FIAB - Federacion Espanola De Industrias De La Alimentacion Y Bebidas

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The Spanish Food and Drink Federation (FIAB) was established in 1977 to represent the Spanish food and beverage industry through a single body and one voice. Its main activity is to inform the sector of the main developments that may affect its operation and competitiveness. It also represents its interests in different governement and decision-makers, both nationally and at the European and internation scope. Currently it encompasses 46 associations and 5,000 companies. FIAB is member of FoodDrinkEurope promoting its members’ interests in areas such as food safety and science, nutrition and health, consumer trust and choice, competitiveness and environmental sustainability. RDI FIAB department leads Spanish Technological Platform Food for Life – Spain with working groups like Training and Technology Transfer, Production and Sustainability, Food Chain Management, Food and Consumer, Circular Economy with all national platforms, among others. RDI FIAB department organises an annual innovation congress in Madrid ALIBETOPIAS with projects corners and each 2 years in Alimentaria Barcelona Fair, ALIBER. Both conferences are innovation reference networking at national level.

