By: Berta Redondo
From: Europatat (European Potato Trade Association)

On 7 November, the European Commission organised in Brussels a joint meeting of the EU Platform on Food Losses and Waste (FLW) and the European Citizens’ Panel. The aim of the event was for the Commission to give feedback to the panel on their proposed 23 recommendations to reduce food waste, which were published earlier in 2023 and are axed around three lines of action:
- strengthen the cooperation in the food value chain;
- encourage food business initiatives;
- support the change of consumer behaviour.
The presentation and a recording of the meeting are available on the Platform’s webpage. The Commission is now working on transforming the results of the European Consumer Food Waste Forum project into easy to use digital tools, in order to help actors take action to reduce consumer food waste.
Member States are encouraged to consider outcomes and tools of the Forum in the design of their consumer-targeted food waste prevention programmes – please check the recommendations for policymakers produced by the Forum (available in all EU languages). Recommendations have also been produced for schools and for food businesses and other organisations (also available in all EU languages).
You can find more information about the European Citizen’s Food Waste Panel here.