
By: Tamás Szallabek From: VIMOSZ (Hungarian Hospitality Employers’ Association) Berlin – United Against Waste (UAW) marked its 11th anniversary with a renewed commitment to combat food waste and advance climate protection measures. The decision was made during the 11th annual general meeting held in Berlin, hosted by United Against Waste in collaboration with the Federal Association of the …

United Against Waste Celebrates 11th Anniversary Read More »

By: Charis M. Galanakis R&I Director, Galanakis Laboratories Adjunct Professor, Taif University Director, Food Waste Recovery Group Editor-in-Chief, Discover Food Editor-in-Chief, Discover Environment Email: Food loss and waste constitute a pressing global challenge of immense proportions, resulting in the squandering of approximately one-third of the planet’s food production, equivalent to a staggering 1.3 billion …

Short opinion on the relevance of food loss and food waste Read More »

Summary by: Luminita Ciolacu and Sofia Reis (alphabetically) From: ISEKI-Food Association The high volume of by-products generated by the wine industry have a huge environmental impact which affects their economic sustainability and competitiveness. The circular economy concept proposes reducing food waste by reusing it for development of new products and/or applications. Can winery by-products be …

Winery by-Products as natural alternatives to pharmaceuticals and cosmetics Read More »

By: Stefan Ferlin, Katharina Stollewerk From: LVA The reduction of waste is at the forefront of all efforts towards improved sustainability. Less waste means a lower need for upcycling-, recycling- and circularity technologies and innovations. However, complete elimination of waste is currently not feasible. While it is important to strive for the implementation of optimization …

Austria, a leader in green innovations Read More »

By: Berta Redondo From: Europatat (European Potato Trade Association) On 7 and 8 November, the European Commission organised in Brussels the annual meeting of the EU Platform for Food Losses and Waste. WASTELESS, through the attendance of our partner Europatat, was present in the meeting on 7 November 2023 afternoon.  In the agenda, several speakers …

Report from EU Food Losses and Waste Platform 14th meeting Read More »

By: Tamás Szallabek From: VIMOSZ (Hungarian Hospitality Employers’ Association) The catering industry was responsible for 7% of the generated food waste in 2022 (EPRS, 2022). Fortunately, this share is declining as in 2012 the share of the industry was 13% (EPRS, 2022). Although Europeans are on a promising journey, in the UK the hospitality and …

Food waste in fine dining Read More »

By: Romans Vorss From: Europatat (European Potato Trade Association) This report describes part of a study conducted by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) to support the impact assessment of a legislative proposal on setting binding food waste reduction targets. The report focuses on the results of a public consultation and a survey of Member …

JRC report: Voluntary action is not enough to significantly reduce food waste amounts in line with the SDG 12.3 target Read More »

By: Luminita Ciolacu and Sofia Reis From: ISEKI-Food Association WASTELESS will be involved on the 29th of September in the 4th International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Wastes (IDAFLW) and invites you all to take action! Reducing food loss and waste is a shared responsibility and in the hands of each of us: …

WASTELESS for the people and for the planet! Read More »