Nathalie Gontard

Nathalie Gontard – Research Director at INRAE (National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment)

Nathalie Gontard is Research Director at INRAE (National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment) formerly Professor at the Universities of Montpellier in France and Kyoto in Japan. She is co-author of more than 500 A level papers (h-index 50). She is the promoter and leader of a research group working on “Circular Economy and Plastic pollution in the Agri-Food sector” with a focus on food packaging and plastic waste reduction, eco-efficient and safe food contact materials, modeling and decision support tools, active, circular and nano-technologies bio-based solutions. She is involved in numerous international, national and industrial projects. She is the coordinator of the Horizon Europe and H2020 international Sino-European AGRILOOP ( and NoAW project (, EcoBioCAP FP7 and NextGenPack projects, expert for the European Commission (FETOPEN, NMBP, MSCA…), the FFEM (Fond Français pour l’Environnement Mondial), the EFSA (European Food Safety Authority), “Scientific Breakthrough” INRA’s Award and H2020 “Etoile de l’Europe” for “Climate Change and Environment”, “Chevalier de la Légion d’honneur”, IHEST auditor, strongly involved in science-society interactions.

Contact: +33612231467

Examples of recent publications:

Recognizing the long-term impacts of plastic particles for preventing distortion in decision-making. 2022. Gontard N. , David, G., Guilbert A., Sohn, J. Nature Sustainability, 5, 6, 472 – 478.  

Plastics in a circular economy: Mitigating the ambiguity of widely-used terms from stakeholders consultation. 2022. Aubin S., Beaugrand J., Berteloot I., Boutrou R., Buche P., Gontard N., Guillard V. Environmental Science & Policy, 134, 119-126 

Extending biopolyesters circularity by using natural stabilizers: A review on the potential of polyphenols to enhance Poly(hydroxyalkanoates) thermal stability while preserving its biodegradability. 2022. Bonnenfant C., Gontard, N. Aouf C., Polymer Testing, 110, 107561. 

Oxygen Scavenging Hybrid Nanostructure: Localization of Different Iron Nanoparticles on Montmorillonite Clays Host. 2022. Khederlou K., Bagheri, Shojaei, Gontard N., Tamsilian. ACS OMEGA, 7, 19, 16391-16401

Active packaging films containing antioxidant extracts from green coffee oil by-products to prevent lipid oxidation. 2022. Vidal O. L., Barros Santos M. C., Batista A. P., Andrigo F. F., Baréa B., Lecomte J., Figueroa-Espinoza M. C., Gontard N., Villeneuve P., Guillard V., Rezende C. M., Bourlieu-Lacanal C., Larraz Ferreira M. S. Journal of Food Engineering, 312, 110744.

3D Modelling of Mass Transfer into Bio-Composite. 2022. Kabbej M., Guillard V., Angellier-Coussy H., Wolf C., Gontard N., Gaucel S. Polymers, 13 (14), 2257.

Bioinspired co-polyesters of hydroxy-fatty acids extracted from tomato peel agro-wastes and glycerol with tunable mechanical, thermal and barrier properties. 2021. Marc M., Risani R., Desnoes E., Falourd X., Pontoire B., Rodrigues R., Escórcio R., Batista A. P., Valentin R., Gontard N., Silva Pereira C., Lopez C., Leroy E., Lourdin D., Marion D., Bakan B. Industrial Crops and Products, 170, 113718.

A research challenge vision regarding management of agricultural waste in a circular bio-based economy. 2018. Gontard, N., Sonesson, U., Birkved, M., Majone, M., Bolzonella, D., Celli, A., Angellier-Coussy, H., Jang, G.W.; Verniquet, A.; Broeze, J.; Schaer, B.; Batista, A.P.; Sebok, A. Critical Reviews In Environmental Science and Technology, 48(6), 614–654.