

Co-design food sharing innovation for resilience

CULTIVATE is a four-year research project funded by Horizon Europe designed to support sustainable urban and peri-urban (UPU) food sharing and help transform urban food systems onto more just and sustainable pathways. CULTIVATE will co-design a ground-breaking online social innovation support platform – The Food Sharing Compass – with food sharing initiatives (FSIs), local authorities, food supply actors, researchers and citizens in order to: 

  • map, track and monitor UPU food sharing landscapes; 
  • identify the costs, benefits and impacts of FSIs; 
  • help actors navigate governance architectures and ensure policies and regulations of food sharing are appropriate; 
  • support increased citizen engagement in UPU food sharing and; 
  • create a community of practice for FSIs. 

Working collaboratively with multiple actors, CULTIVATE will develop more sustainable, resilient and healthy UPU food systems supporting the EU’s inclusive climate mitigation and adaptation ambitions.